福特汽车公司:One FORD战略
福特汽车公司(英文:Ford Motor Company,NYSE:F,简称福特),是一家生产汽车的跨国企业,在美国密歇根州迪尔伯恩(现公司总部所在地)由亨利·福特所创立,于1903年公司化。于20世纪如日中天的时候,福特、通用与克莱斯勒被认为是底特律的三大汽车生产商,统治著美国汽车市场。福特汽车在美国汽车市场连续75年保持销售量第二名,仅次于通用汽车,于2007年才因为油价高涨,大型运动型多用途车、休旅车及卡车销量减少,被丰田汽车超越成为美国市场销售量第三名。
One team, One plan, One goal – One FORD – Profitable growth for all.
One team
It starts with the team. We have worked hard to unleash the full potential of our people by building a single, unified global team.
One plan
Our plan is working and we are sticking to it.
One goal
All of these accomplishments encourage us to continue working toward our goal, which remains unchanged – we want to build products that are more desirable so that we can grow profitably.